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Friday, August 21, 2015

30th Reunion for Graduating Class of 1985

VCSS Class of '85 30th Reunion!!

Sat. Sept. 12, 2015

6596 238 Street, Langley

Bring a potluck dish to share, and a sundae topping for

 dessert. (BYOB)

(I'm unable to travel anymore - so I won't be able to go out to the BC coast, but hopefully someone who attends will take photos for posting).

Hope you all have a good time counting the grey hairs and wrinkles and remembering the "good ol' days". So many of them truly were good, but when you're a teenager everything can seem like a crisis at the time.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee Rahn (Grad of 1985)

Grads of 1985 @ 25th Reunion
Where ARE those grey hairs? This is a good lookin' bunch of people!)