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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Reunion Stories

Well, the VCSS Reunion in June came and went. Thanks to Alan Dunlop (still my hero) for his picture.
I am hoping to be able to hunt down more people that we went to school with and next year make sure that everyone KNOWS about it.
Right now, I encourage all former students (grads and attendees and teachers too) to join up with this blog. Then come and tell your stories.
The original group is on Facebook but FB has limitations to what we can post. For now I would mind hearing a story or two about how the day went.
We've got an entire year to make sure the NEXT reunion will not leave anyone out.
Love always, Laura-Lee (grad 1985)

Monday, June 7, 2010


Dear Fellow VCSS Students;

Well, the June 12th Reunion at Central Park in Burnaby is right on us. I'm not at home right now so I've gone to the library in order to get on the internet for a little bit. I'm feeling cut off as well as sorry for myself for not being able to get to the Reunion. Factor into that last week end's BLIZZARD here in Edmonton and I would really love to be in Burnaby with you for the Reunion.

All the info that you need is found here at this Blog and also at the Facebook Group "Vancouver Christian Secondary School: VCSS" under the EVENTS tab. You can see the "Guest List" (who is going), what food you can bring, where to park, where to meet and who is welcome (which is everybody who attended school at VCSS - graduate or not).

Our former school doesn't actually exist anymore, so it will be up to us to form our own alumni group and contacts. Remember to bring a camera, something to write down addresses on and a healthy amount of curiousity in order to discover what everyone has been up to over all these years. I'd give my right arm to be there so I am jealous of the rare opportunity you have to be there. (as I'm sure many other out-of-towners are also thinking). In a society that is so mobile, it is rare to even know people for a long period of time, let alone have the opportunity to see old friends you had in high school. Only now we're not a bunch of insecure teen-agers trying to be cool and trying to fit in. Enjoy yourselves and I'll be here in Alberta praying that on June 12th there is no rain.

God bless.

Love Laura-Lee

Time: June 12, Saturday, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Place: Central Park, Burnaby (next to Swangard Stadium- Variety Park Playground) ** see map of Central Park here at this blog

Food: Potluck (chips, cookies, pop, juice, ice, napkins, wetwipes) go to Facebook group to see what others are bringing and post what you can bring - not mandatory for participation though.

Who's Invited: Everyone who graduated or attended Vancouver Christian Secondary School ( approx 1980's and 1990's) and their families

ALL INFO IS FOUND at Facebook Group "Vancouver Christian Secondary School: VCSS" under the "EVENTS" tab. Click on link here at this blog. (note: there are other groups at Facebook for Vancouver Christian School that are not involved in the planning of this reunion. So make sure you're at the right group.)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Free Spinach for VCSS Students

I've been trying to get info from either VCS or Carver websites and am getting no where fast. I've gotten a couple of speeches about how all us older alumni matter to them so much and we're all part of the VCS community etc etc.

In reality, where do we really belong? Our campus, on Haida Drive , is now an elementary school on Mons Drive. We didn't graduate from an elementary school and we certainly didn't graduate from Carver. So who do we belong to?Just as I was thinking about that and hearing how much we "matter" to VCS (but I can't get anyone to return my emails), I got in my regular mailbox my first copy of the "Carver Courier".  Their beautiful auditorium and their lovely matching uniforms. They are all great, but very unlike us.Their idea of "alumni" is anyone who has graduated from that highschool during the past 5 years. What came into my head was that phrase that Popeye used to say when he had been pushed around by Brutus and was just about to get out the spinach. How does it go? " I've stood alls I can takes and I's can't stands no more!"

Now I'll answer my own question. I'll tell you who we belong to...

Each other.

Only WE know what it's like to try and work our way through a hallway as narrow as a razor blade.

Only WE know what it's like to have a Gymnasium so small that we can only play half-court basketball.

Only WE know what it's like to have to change into our PE strip in a bathroom so small the mice have to go outside to change their minds.

Only WE know what it's like to have to wear gloves with the fingers cut out during classes because the furnace isn't working and it's the only way to grip our pens during the winter.

Only WE know what it's like to try and get to Wendy's and back in only a 40 minute lunch hour.

WE know what it's like to have Mr. Paul threaten to "rip your lips off".

WE know what it's like to have to set up and put away the wooden chairs for Wednesday assembly.

WE know what it's like to try and give driving instructions to a school that is not really on ANY road.

WE know what it's like to have to try and sell oranges, grapefruit, chocolates, or sausages because that's the only way there will be money for an event.

Only WE had a school store that consisted of a fridge in a closet, some 2 year old chocolate bars and a money box.

WE know what it's like to consider a school large because it finally has 140 students.

WE know what it's like to work in a science room that has counters made of asbestos because they are from another century.

WE know what it's like to consider your school up and coming because they can finally afford a SECOND computer.

But mostly, because we shared not only all these experiences but we have bowed our heads together in prayer to the God, Father and Creator that the rest of the world classified as non-existent and us as morons for believing He still involves himself in the lives of his children.

Now there's an internet which the whole world is a part of. Let's use this opportunity to gather together again. To renew old friendships and to make new ones. But this time, not as insecure children trying to find our place in the world, filled with confusion and doubts, but with the wisdom and experience that having a few years under your belt can give.

YOU belong here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

VCS 60th Anniversary Video

This is the video created last year by Vancouver Christian School in honor of all the years (and various versions and names) that the school has existed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Central Park Website

Central Park Website

All that you could ever want to know about Central Park in Burnaby BC. compliments of parks of Burnaby

MAP OF CENTRAL PARK (activities and facilities available)

Detailed Map of CENTRAL PARK Burnaby

This is a link to a detailed map to Central Park in Burnaby including the facilities and activities that are available.